
Advent Reflections

November 22, 2020

I have always been a fan of Christmas.  More recently, I have come to realize that I love Advent almost as much. It is a season to prepare and a time to wait. It is when our hearts and minds, ears and voices can set the stage for the incredible crescendo of God’s incarnation. This year, I have set out to do a weekly reflection piece that follows the lectionary readings for each Sunday in Advent and included Christ the King as well. I hope they help add some thoughtfulness to your Advent and Christmas this year.

If you want to read them, all you have to do is sign up below to get my free newsletter.

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Previous Reflections

Reflection for Christ the King Sunday.
Reflection for First Sunday of Advent.
Reflection for Second Sunday of Advent.
Reflection for Third Sunday of Advent.
Reflection for Fourth Sunday of Advent
Reflection for Christmas

Church, Personal

A few moments with a Snow Goose.

October 12, 2020

As I started to take my hobby of bird photography more seriously, my goal became to see and identify specific birds. I have mentioned elsewhere that I do think it is wise to go for a bird walk with a specific expectation in mind or you may end up rather disappointed. This does not mean, however, that I do not want to see specific birds during the year. I am sure there are many birds that I will identify for the first time that I have seen many times already, but naming and knowing is essential to have any real sort of meaning. Therefore, in many ways, I have started fresh in my quest to see and capture specific birds. One such bird that I wanted to see, that I cannot confirm I have seen before is the Snow Goose.

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Book Reviews, Church, Theology

Review of Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley

September 30, 2020

Reading While Black by Esau McCaulley is a fascinating and compelling book that offers readers a glimpse into what it means and has meant to read the Bible in the ‘Black Ecclesial Tradition.’ McCaulley invites us on a journey the is thoughtful, personal, and important.

The first chapter is autobiographical as he wrestled to find his place and voice in that tradition. But a dialogical method arose from his struggles and he offers ‘a unified mission in which our varied cultures turn to the text in dialogue with one another to discern the mind of Christ.’ (22)

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Vulnerability and the Church

September 30, 2020

We want our pastors to be vulnerable but without any wounds.
Ok, maybe wounds are allowed so long as they are healed wounds.

We want healed wounds without any scars.
Well, maybe scars are ok if those scars are covered and no longer show any weakness.

We want weakness but no struggles.
Then again, maybe we can deal with those struggles so long as they are the convenient ones at a convenient time for us.

And of course, this means not in a global pandemic.

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